Jan 20, 2014

Date a Girl that Climbs

Date a girl that climbs.

Date a girl that spends her money on gear instead of clothes. She has a problem with closet space because she has too much gear. And she has a list of gear she still wants to buy.

Find a girl who climbs. You will know who she is by the bit of chalk in her hair. The girl who pauses in front of a bridge or a brick building or a boulder, narrows her eyes and mouths the route she would take. The one who spends an hour in MEC just browsing. That girl with the bruised knee, scraped elbow and calloused hands? She's a climber. Don't ask her if she needs help carrying that heavy bag, she is surprisingly strong for how little she is.

You might find her in the climbing gym, sitting in front of the boulder wall, working out the next move on her project. Sit down beside her. Ask her what she's working on. She might ask you for beta. She might not. Talk about the trip she is planning on taking to Kentucky. Suggest your favourite toppings at Miguels.

It's easy to date a girl that climbs. Take her to Nemo, the Glen or that secret spot that hasn't been open to the public yet. You know, the one by that tree. Curl up on the couch and make fun of Vertical Limit or Cliff Hanger. Buy her a coffee, Joshua Tree hand salve, the next issue of Gripped. Give her a back rub, because she is probably sore. Even better, a foot rub.

Listen to her. She knows how to work out problems on her own but sometimes needs to talk it out loud.

Be there for her. She is used to big falls, but a spot can keep her from getting hurt.

Give her enough space. Holding on too tight can be just as bad as too much slack, and every situation is different.

Fail her. The girl that climbs will understand. The wall throws her off again and again but she always dusts herself off and tries again.

One day, you might propose to her on a trip to South Africa. Or on top of Old Baldy. Or before the two of you fall asleep in the cab of your truck.

Date a girl that climbs because you deserve a girl you can trust your life too.
One that helps you rise up above the monotony of the daily grind.
A girl who doesn't mind the smell of smelly feet.
(Like, REALLY smelly feet).

Date a girl that climbs.

Based on "Date a girl that Reads"