Sep 19, 2009

Wrapping up the season...

September in Canmore: rafting has finished for the season, friends have moved on to other places, the days are getting shorter and the leaves are changing and starting to fall from the trees... rumor has it ski season starts in less than a month!

Life has become pretty quiet....getting in a few last paddles on the kananaskis and kicking horse and have only one shift left at the running store and the bar. I am homeless again, but have been crashing at a friend's place for the last week while he's been on a roadtrip. Tomorrow I spend the day climbing the face of Ha-Ling (multi-pitch) then spend the night packing all my stuff back into my car to get ready for the drive home. Im a little lighter now: sold my kayak yesterday.

Wednesday I leave for my last multi-day raft/kayak trip out here. Thought I was gonna stick around a little longer and go on another trip, but decided to drive back to Ontario right after I get back to make it home in time for Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see my family, especially my little niece Madison who apparenlty is starting to walk now! Im seriously not looking forward to the drive back though...maybe Ill do a route thru the US to mix it up a bit?

So back to Ontario for me. And everyone keeps asking...what next? Honestly, Im not sure. Im not quite ready to settle down...depending on finances, was thinking about just finishing up the year travelling and starting my career in the new year. It all depends though. We'll see what happens....

See you all in October!